Saturday, January 8, 2011

Question 2

How is the epidemological process used throughout The Hot Zone?


  1. Its used by studing ebola and learning more about. For example, how it works or is mulitplied.

    Hayley Parenti Period 2

  2. Give detailed examples from the reading.

  3. In the book the people in the army that our working to prevent this disease from occuring use blood from infected bodies of ebola. When Peter Jahrling and Tom Geisbert thoght they had this filovirus they used infected blood from the other cases and compared it to their blood. Many tests were done and I remember the book saying that if your cells glowed brightly that ment you had the virus. Using blood that they know is infected helped the army and scientists figure out the major problem with ebola. Also at the end of the book, the monkeys were a huge help to discover what was going on with them and if it could make people sick.

  4. In the Hot Zone USAMRIID uses monkeys to test how the ebola virus is spread.They tested on monkeys becaue of their similarity to humans.They tested blood samples of the infected. They They test on monkeys becaue of their similarity to humans.Compare blood from a healthy specimen to the blood of an infected body/person to find similarities.Tom giesbert and Peter Jarhling use blood samples to recognize if they are infected with the viruse.

  5. The epidemiological process is the study of health situations in a population. Throughout the Hot Zone scientists study Ebola and try to discover how it is spread, what its primary host is, and how to get rid of the disease once something is infected with it. This is shown when the Army and the Center for Disease Control investigate the Ebola outbreak in the monkeys nearby in Reston, Virginia. The scientists took blood samples from the infected monkeys and looked at the viruses inside the blood cells. From this they realized it was a strain of Ebola but different from the one that harms humans.

  6. James what about monkeys are similar to humans on a cellular level?

    When they looked at infected blood, what did they see. Are there any changes in the red blood cells?

  7. Mrs. Mailhot, I already typed in a really long response for this question and it hasn't seemed to show up, do you want me to type it again? I typed it a few days ago and I just looked and it wasn't there. Though if you want me to I can still redo it.

  8. The USAMRIID team used the epidemiological process to see how the Ebola virus spread. They also used this process to see where the virus originated and how to prevent the disease. The army and the center of disease control worked together to try and figure out everything they could about the disease and how they could prevent it from spreading all around Reston, Virginia. The scientists took samples of blood from the monkeys to compare it the blood of humans. Since monkeys and humans have similar DNA they used the monkeys blood, that they knew was infected to compare to healthy human blood to see the difference. Peter Jarhling and Tom Giesbert thought they could of been infected with the virus. So to determine if they were or not they used blood samples from monkeys and past people who have died from Ebola, to compare it to their blood and see if they were infected with Ebola.

  9. In order to learn more about this virus, USAMRIID needed to learn where the virus originated, how it is spread, and how the virus effects the host once they are contaminated. With this, team members from USAMRIID went inside the monkey house in Virginia to gather blood samples from the monkeys. Whereas the monkeys are common ancestors to humans, similarities in their genetic make-up allowed for the scientists to observe the blood, see how it was infected, and learn how the virus would effect a human.

  10. The Center for Disease Control and the United States Army (USAMRIID) investigated the Ebola Virus through the epidemilogical process. They studied the effects of the disease on similar primates: Monkeys (monkeys have similar DNA to humans), transmission from one organism to another, prevention of the disease, cause of the disease, and the origin of the virus. The Epidemilogical process helped the scientists discover that the disease infecting the monkeys in Reston, Virginia was not harmful to humans.

    Erika Schaper
    period 4
    Mrs. Mailhot

  11. As stated in all of the previous posts, USAMRIID used the process when they studied the monkey blood in Reston by comparing it to infected human blood. This would allow them to know if the monkeys had ebola or not, and what measures they needed to take to contain it. Before this major outbreak, people like Gene Johnson also used this epidemiological process to see if there were ways to prevent or cure the disease. He purposely infected monkeys (as Erika said, them and humans have similar genetics) and gave them vaccines to see if there were any results that could lead them to a vaccine for the horrible disease that was ebola. This process was also upheld while trying to find the source of the disease. Gene Johnson went to Kitum Cave to try and find anything that had signs of ebola. With this, maybe a form of prevention could come. Unfortunately, Ebola was in hiding, not to be found by Gene.

    Meagan Olive
    Period 1

  12. The scientists at USAMRIID used the epidemiological process to determine how the Ebola virus spread from host to host and if someone was infected with the virus. When the scientists were in the Reston monkey house, they used the epidemiological process to find out which monkeys were sick with Ebola by comparing those samples to human blood that was a host of the virus. Also, through this process it was discovered that Ebola Reston is not harmful to humans. Since the DNA of humans and monkeys are very similar, we can accurately find out if certain individuals are infected with a certain disease through the epidemiological process. In “The Hot Zone” the army and other scientists used this process to also find information such as the cause, location, and safety measures to take when handling specimens with a virus such as Ebola.

    Megan Reese
    Period 4

  13. In The Hot Zone the epidemiological process is used multiple times to try to solve where the hot virus Ebola and its sister viruses originated and how it spread. The epidemiological process is identify that a problem exist, confirm the order of events, collect all events and any previous data of the disease, characterize factors (predisposing, enabling/ disabling, precipitation, and reinforcing factors) of the events, look at patterns/ trends, formulate a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, and finally publish the results. The epidemical process is seen as epidemiologists try to find the origins of Marburg virus and the Ebola virus strands. In each outbreak of these filoviruses you see epidemiologist, veterinarians, and doctors follow this process to identify the virus. Since The Hot Zone discusses multiple outbreaks of Ebola/ Marburg you see this process many times. When Ebola Reston breaks out you see this process clearly while the doctors try to solve the problem. The problem is first identified in the laboratory when Tom Geisbert sees the filovirus in the monkey cells. He then shares his findings with the authority at USAMRIID. They finally establish that the virus is certainly a strain of Ebola and confirm that there is a problem. They collect data about all the other types of Ebola, look at the data collected from the outbreaks of Ebola Sudan and Ebola Zaire. They know it is highly contagious with a high death rate, normally transmitted through blood but has been found to be transmitted through air in laboratories. They go into treat the problem. While USAMRIID treats the problem, CDC locates where the monkeys came from, the Philippians, and look at how the virus unfolded over there. They hypothesize that Ebola Reston is transmitted through air and is not contagious to Homo sapiens. They were unable to test their results due to being accused of biological warfare and they published any findings of Ebola. By using this process USAMRIID is able to effectively treat the situation, prepare properly, and solve the outbreak. The epidemiological process allows the doctors to use previous knowledge to treat the problem the identified and solve it. This is just one of the instances in which the epidemiological process is used in The Hot Zone.

  14. ^Posted By:^
    Madison Stewart-Boldin
    Period Four, Mailhot
